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Meg's Book of the Week for 10/25-10/31: The Last Druid by Terry Brooks

I started reading the Shannara books at 15 when I was in high school. My best friend had started reading them a couple of years prior, and since we typically were interested in the same books, she recommended them to me. It took me about a month to finish the first book. It was one of the first real epic fantasy novels I'd ever read, and there was a LOT going on in that first 700+ page book. Eventually, as I got more into the series and as I got older, the pages just started flying by.

The Last Druid is the final book in the entire Shannara saga which, if you count the Word & Void series, which I do since it kind of acts as a precursor to the pre-Shannara series, then it was the 32nd book.

Why I love it: The books in the Shannara saga are filled with adventure, magic, emotion, challenges, love and life lessons. Basically, when you read a Shannara book, you aren't just reading about the characters' experiences and journeys, you're sharing them. You might as well be on the journey yourself. The reading experience of a Shannara book, in my opinion, is one of the most tangible.

Of course, I'm devastated that the series has come to an end. It's been with me through high school, college and into my early adulthood. It's comforted me in hard times and helped me escape when my own world felt too hard. I'm glad my best friend convinced me to jump on the bandwagon all those years ago, though, because I can't wait for future generations of Shannara readers to embark into the pages. There may not be any new books coming out in the future, but the world of Shannara still has a lot to offer. So if you're stumbling around looking for a new series to dive into and get lost in, check out Shannara. You won't be sorry!

P.S. Reading orders can be found on Terry Brooks' website. I read the series chronologically based on the entire Shannara world timeline, but the books can also be read in publication order.

Stay tuned to see what my next Book of the Week pick is!

Much love,

Megan :)

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